Our Changing World: The 1769 Seed Archive

Another story about Waikereru / Longbush and the fabulous people who help us to make it such a special place.

Our Changing World: The 1769 Seed Archive

The 1769 Seed Archive after only two years

In her narration, the wonderful Alison Ballance from ‘Our Changing World’ speaks about 2019 as a ‘celebration’ of Cook’s arrival - in Tairawhiti we talk about a ‘commemoration’ instead, because those first encounters were not all sweetness and light!

The collaboration between Philip Smith (02 Landscapes), Graeme Atkins (DOC, Ngati Porou) and Malcolm Rutherford (QEII, curator) in creating the 1769 Seed Archive is awesome - ka mau ke te wehi!

Philip Smith (left), Graeme Atkins (right).
Malcolm Rutherford

